Sunday, February 29, 2004

Notes from outside (60 degrees and sunny)

My original rant was going for something along the lines of the entrancing 'suspension of disbelief.' To be enveloped in such an artwork that hasn't become a spectacle allows a certain intimate relationship. Rather than partaking in the experience of something lost in its own promotion (The Matrix, anyone? ), I'd rather search for a certain bareness of the evocation - something that avoids universality.

I find a blog to be this refreshingly different too - a shift in the balance between producer and consumer. When this tangles up a bit, there becomes no need for advertising, and thereby placement within the realm of the mass consumption. Those bedroom producers and bands lost within the recording studio, are those that the actual art-work is the largest advertising - subverting the smooth workings of our particular dominant art (however form you'd like to choose - painting, music, film, writing, etc.). And, the attraction is that playful bordering on the margins - a position I can feel, or experience. So, as I lay awake and feel Talk Talk's Spirit of Eden or Laughing Stock ooze over me, I don't question the anonymity of my experience, anonymity of my reading, anonymity of my "consuming habits." Instead, I wonder whether someone else will be able to feel how I feel, and thereby give this experience to as many people as possible (before it disappears). This is otherworldly - feel free to criticize my search for something different, but these are the divine juicy sides of my experience, when I feel compelled to be advertising (the most influential form of our relationships, yes? - keep up the 'buzz'ing in my head)

The film shoot this weekend was an enjoyable experience, makes me reconsider (to an extent...) why I hate production so much. But having Nate on set, getting in everyone's way "every five minutes, damn it" is great. Everyone is so charged up about efficiency, keeping the methodical system going, and nate's just taking it all in. Same with Zach - a priceless picture of a guy, with torn up surgical gloves, holding up a chicken bone, while listening to the particular shot's audio. This will be posted soon...

The weather is incredible, incites a certain meditative nature about it. How often in the last couple months could you watch kids jump down slides with such an abandon? Endless loops of audio - "Mom, let's go down it one more time" (swoosh) "Mom, let's go down it one more time" (swoosh) ... (over time, a mother panting, out of breath)

Music has been harder going lately - when will the Beta Band single leak? Someone help me!

Chicago from the Hancock Building

The Hancock building is rather incredible way to see Chicago - so many lights

Leaning Flowers



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