Monday, July 26, 2004

i hate my writing.

but here's a light-video for those peeps that haven't seen it.  please oh please watch and tell me what i need to do better...





Anonymous Anonymous said...

The coolest parts are the dancing tiger and the woman twirling her dress around. I got bored at the end when the clips ended and it was just the lights though. More bizarre footage is key.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagreeā€¦
I think the pure light is the most interesting part.
That being said I still enjoy the found footage but think it would flow better if the two points where the music picks up and the image switches abruptly to pure light was a more transitional phase, where the light increasingly overwhelms and covers up the found footage. I like the point where different patterns would appear and stay for a few seconds as fast flashes of continued ontop of them. I wonder what it would look like to fade in and out of these static light patterns.


8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to have to agree with Anonymous Number 2.
I feel like it is strongest in juxtaposition. so having three overlaid videos then a whole long light portion is cool, but having the light keep taking over the video and then the video busting back in = more awesome.

So split em up a bit.
I think the strongest part is when the light comes into overdrive with the music then it hits double overdrive. That rules.

Kick It.

10:41 AM  

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