Sunday, June 27, 2004

all the mirrors of graceland

a quick break from blogging as nate #1 gets his life back together and nate #2 explores all of thailand

blogging in near future - obligatory michael moore update/music, etc.


Thursday, June 03, 2004

As I run into my second day of all-nighters this week (a very strange feat, i must say for my intolerance of sleep-deprivation), there have been some things that have kept me going - one, that all of this will end soon. This idea feels very pertinent at this point and i guess in all facets of interpretation. But, alas, totalling up AVID hours today left me to realize that i will have logged a finished roll of about 112 minutes of editing projects. Very scary number indeed, I am working at a snail's pace. It's time to bring the overload. Yes, this is my realization of being very much a work-a-holic. But we need to do what we love, yes yes.

As many have been talking about 'will-to-blog,' i think i'd take a moment to say that sasha has been one of my favorite places lately - great pictures and writing - enviable, at very least. Today, is especially great - music writing on the DEHYPERBOLATOR V. 3.1. I have to ask the question - can anyone write about music on the DE-ADJECTIVATOR? I think that would be a mind-blowing experience as well.

I saw this today and an appearance, by madam shah - how unlikely? care to comment on the situation? hmm...

okay, nothing more to talk about - ANIMATION FREAKOUT!!! is going to be the series for the winter quarter over at block cinema - it feels pretty funny nice. If you like Svankmajer, Yellow Submarine, Fantastic Planet, yadda yadda - publicity starts today...
