look into my eyes
"The eye as Nate" (2004)
But a requisite to seeing nate (for some reason) was drawing a picture of an eye, which explained visually what an eye really is and how it explained nate.
not too much time to post (midterm studying to ensue in five long minutes)...
my music listening experience post-11/2
compulsively listening to...
-DFA Compilation 2 (very very satisfying)
-Favela Booty Beats (this too...)
-Morgan Geist presents Unclassics (review from me soon...)
-Mutant Disco (hipster crrrrredDDD - go ZE!)
-Ragga! Ragga! Ragga! 2004 (not holding on as well as i first heard it...)
-How to Kill the DJ, Part 2 - Mixed by Optimo (kinda Keerazy)
-Crambe Repetita - Die Neue Riddim 2.0 (Todd hits this on the money in a way that I was pretty disappointed with Michael Mayer trying to play one-step-ahead of the popularity of the schaeffle at his recent show in Chicago)
and, MIA and Diplo - Piracy Funds Terrorism volume 1 (I'd recommend anyone who has heard of either of these two peeps to check this out...while there's some re-treads off of Diplo's Favela on Blast, this is still quite quite good)
#new stuff#
-Brooks - Red Tape (only a couple spins but can see this fitting in where Swayzak failed...)
-Darren Hayes - The Tension and the Spark (Savage Garden gone Fennesz...muhahah!)
-Kelpe - Sea Inside Body (for all those Boards of Canada fiends, those like me, this provides the best album BOC didn't make this year, and probably won't ever make - find and get excited)
-James T Cotton (after a couple spins, this album just sounds so LOUD, vibrant, and all of that...not much else to say yet)
-Marz, Wir Sind Hier (listen to this and this - if not convinced, please complain to me as loudly as you'd like)
-Soft Pink Truth, Do You Want New Wave or Do you Want Soft Pink Truth (utterly badass - like those 4 or 5 truly crazy songs on the first album, but stretched out throughout - plus, all covers of anarcho/british punk)
-Interpol, Antics (five songs worth the album. do yourself a favor and just cut the rest out.)
-Bruno Pronsato, Silver Cities (how the fuck do these electronic bands come out of Seattle?? i need to re-examine my stereotypes here...minimal/crazy)
-Boredoms, Seadrum + House of Sun (mmmMMmmmmm...drum di drum drum)
-Hold Steady, Almost Killed Me (perfect voice, down with the NASAL! up with the gutteral NASAL!)
-Go Home Productions (Missy and Joy Division = heaven)
-Michael Mayer, Touch (techno is never old.)
#12inches (and shorter things) #
-all three unclassics (environ), leading up to the unclassics extravaganza...)
-akufen, hawaiian wodka party
-trendsetter and the followers, call to cction
-luomo and raz, give it away (michael jackson, literally, filtered through minimal house)
-mikkel metal, dorant.kaluga (kompakt 104)
-wighnomy brothers, magnet (kompakt 19 extra)
-steve bug, mathais schaffhaeuser (kompakt 21 extra)
-donnacha costello, last couple releases... (i find orange the most appealing, if not that "ground-breaking" - i think this is where fetishization meets nostalgia real real badly at times)
-fivegreen circle, text xxx (traum 52) - very nice blocky, i find BJ's "Red Alert" as the best foundation to describe it, with my lacking musical knowledge
-benefits idiots, untitled (trapez ltd 23) - great stuff, just in variety to the latest trapez releases..
-steve barnes, cosmic sandwich (MBF) - really addictive disco-funk...BOC and Metro Area get together and play with a puzzle
-new Horror, Inc. - if anyone needs more akufen, here ya' go...
alright, i'm out of steam, but i've also been trying to go through back catalogs recently and it's been a trip and a half. trying to hear developments that inevitably must become linear...
with that in mind, Basic Channel's whole series of singles is being devoured and for some reason the dub-techno makes so much sense to me at this point. kinda dispondent, dejected and somehow still interested...so, a long winter ahead, but we must fight on...
and, i apologize about just making a list of music. i don't want to give the impression that this is some sort of pissing contest, but i'd be interested how this matches up with any of you. if there's anything that sounds interesting, drop me a line and i can point (or send you) the way to the sweet sounds of electro-----something...

"The eye as Nate" (2004)
But a requisite to seeing nate (for some reason) was drawing a picture of an eye, which explained visually what an eye really is and how it explained nate.
not too much time to post (midterm studying to ensue in five long minutes)...
my music listening experience post-11/2
compulsively listening to...
-DFA Compilation 2 (very very satisfying)
-Favela Booty Beats (this too...)
-Morgan Geist presents Unclassics (review from me soon...)
-Mutant Disco (hipster crrrrredDDD - go ZE!)
-Ragga! Ragga! Ragga! 2004 (not holding on as well as i first heard it...)
-How to Kill the DJ, Part 2 - Mixed by Optimo (kinda Keerazy)
-Crambe Repetita - Die Neue Riddim 2.0 (Todd hits this on the money in a way that I was pretty disappointed with Michael Mayer trying to play one-step-ahead of the popularity of the schaeffle at his recent show in Chicago)
and, MIA and Diplo - Piracy Funds Terrorism volume 1 (I'd recommend anyone who has heard of either of these two peeps to check this out...while there's some re-treads off of Diplo's Favela on Blast, this is still quite quite good)
#new stuff#
-Brooks - Red Tape (only a couple spins but can see this fitting in where Swayzak failed...)
-Darren Hayes - The Tension and the Spark (Savage Garden gone Fennesz...muhahah!)
-Kelpe - Sea Inside Body (for all those Boards of Canada fiends, those like me, this provides the best album BOC didn't make this year, and probably won't ever make - find and get excited)
-James T Cotton (after a couple spins, this album just sounds so LOUD, vibrant, and all of that...not much else to say yet)
-Marz, Wir Sind Hier (listen to this and this - if not convinced, please complain to me as loudly as you'd like)
-Soft Pink Truth, Do You Want New Wave or Do you Want Soft Pink Truth (utterly badass - like those 4 or 5 truly crazy songs on the first album, but stretched out throughout - plus, all covers of anarcho/british punk)
-Interpol, Antics (five songs worth the album. do yourself a favor and just cut the rest out.)
-Bruno Pronsato, Silver Cities (how the fuck do these electronic bands come out of Seattle?? i need to re-examine my stereotypes here...minimal/crazy)
-Boredoms, Seadrum + House of Sun (mmmMMmmmmm...drum di drum drum)
-Hold Steady, Almost Killed Me (perfect voice, down with the NASAL! up with the gutteral NASAL!)
-Go Home Productions (Missy and Joy Division = heaven)
-Michael Mayer, Touch (techno is never old.)
#12inches (and shorter things) #
-all three unclassics (environ), leading up to the unclassics extravaganza...)
-akufen, hawaiian wodka party
-trendsetter and the followers, call to cction
-luomo and raz, give it away (michael jackson, literally, filtered through minimal house)
-mikkel metal, dorant.kaluga (kompakt 104)
-wighnomy brothers, magnet (kompakt 19 extra)
-steve bug, mathais schaffhaeuser (kompakt 21 extra)
-donnacha costello, last couple releases... (i find orange the most appealing, if not that "ground-breaking" - i think this is where fetishization meets nostalgia real real badly at times)
-fivegreen circle, text xxx (traum 52) - very nice blocky, i find BJ's "Red Alert" as the best foundation to describe it, with my lacking musical knowledge
-benefits idiots, untitled (trapez ltd 23) - great stuff, just in variety to the latest trapez releases..
-steve barnes, cosmic sandwich (MBF) - really addictive disco-funk...BOC and Metro Area get together and play with a puzzle
-new Horror, Inc. - if anyone needs more akufen, here ya' go...
alright, i'm out of steam, but i've also been trying to go through back catalogs recently and it's been a trip and a half. trying to hear developments that inevitably must become linear...
with that in mind, Basic Channel's whole series of singles is being devoured and for some reason the dub-techno makes so much sense to me at this point. kinda dispondent, dejected and somehow still interested...so, a long winter ahead, but we must fight on...
and, i apologize about just making a list of music. i don't want to give the impression that this is some sort of pissing contest, but i'd be interested how this matches up with any of you. if there's anything that sounds interesting, drop me a line and i can point (or send you) the way to the sweet sounds of electro-----something...
yeah, how's that scarf working out for you, sweetheart?
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